
11月星期二. 5、2024年在选票上寻找全球网络赌博平台.


当你们11月去投票的时候. 5, you will find a request by 杰克逊的大学 to restore tax dollars reduced by 密歇根’s Headlee Amendment.


这项提议将使学院恢复其 原授权租船里程(1) 速率1.33 mills on all property, with the revenue of this proposal to be used for enhancing job training, 就业安置 以及专业的贸易教育全球网络赌博平台 (2). Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes originally established by election in 1964 which may be assessed against all property within the community college district boundaries of 杰克逊的大学, 密歇根, be (3)增加 by 0.1973轧机 ($0.(4)每1,000元应课税价值 为期10年, 2025年到2034年, 包容, 为加强职业培训提供资金, 就业安置, 以及专业的贸易教育全球网络赌博平台; if this millage is approved and levied in full in 2025, 预计将筹得约1美元,200,000 (this millage is to restore millage lost as a result of the reductions required by the 密歇根 Constitution of 1963)?


尽管这个税率早在1964年就被批准了, the actual rate that is levied goes down due to the State of 密歇根’s Headlee Amendment.

The goal is to restore 杰克逊的大学’s millage rate to its original 速率1.在1964年选民投票通过了33家工厂. 根据海德利修正案,目前的税率是1.1327工厂.

(2)职业培训、就业安置和专业 交易教育

密歇根’s evolving economy demands a skilled workforce equipped to meet the challenges of modern industry. 随着先进制造业的兴起, 医疗保健, 电动汽车, 人工智能(AI), 以及科技行业, 对强有力的职业培训的需求日益增长, 就业安置, 以及专业行业教育.

这些全球网络赌博平台对于弥合技能差距至关重要, 确保杰克逊居民能够获得高质量的工作, 并支持该州的经济增长.


全球网络赌博平台没有要求选民额外授权, 只有1964年最初授权的. “增加”一词是这类提议的必要用语, signifying that voters do have a choice between restoring the authorized millage for 10 years or declining it.


1 mill = $1 for every $1,000 of a home or property’s taxable valuation. 一栋价值100美元的房子,000, 应税价值约为50美元,000, 修复这个村庄将花费大约9美元.87美元一年




全球网络赌博平台年收入276美元.4 million annually in added income for the area due to the enhanced productivity of alumni.

Open access for all ensures that all have an opportunity to earn an associate degree, 证书或短期证书开始, 晋升或改变他们的职业.

Preparing students for transfer to colleges and universities with the opportunity to complete two years’ worth of study locally.

Preparing the Jackson County workforce by offering degrees in high-demand careers like nursing, 盟军的健康, 信息技术, 工商管理等.


Top-quality performing arts facilities welcoming both professional entertainers and providing space for student and community arts organizations.


  • 选举是什么时候??

    周二,11月. 5, 2024. 投票从早上7点开始.m. 到8点.m. 参观 密歇根州网站 完整投票选项.

  • 投票内容是什么?

    Voters in Jackson County will decide on a millage request to restore property tax funds decreased by the Headlee Amendment. 这项税收收入将用于职业培训, 就业安置, 以及专业的贸易教育全球网络赌博平台.

  • 为什么这次选举是必要的?

    杰克逊的大学 operates on the same millage rate first decided by voters in 1964. 它是密歇根州最低的村庄税之一. Restoration of the full levy would provide much needed funds for job training and trades, areas that will provide necessary workers for our business and industry and enhance the economy for the whole area.

  • How will this proposal benefit students and the Jackson County community?

    这将允许新的程序, 新产品, 更多高科技设备和增强就业服务. 对于更大的群体来说, 这将增加受教育的机会, 为雇主提供更多的技术工人,反过来, 促进本地经济.

  • 何谓海德利修正案?

    The passage of the Headlee Amendment in 1978 requires a local unit of government to reduce its millage when annual growth on existing property is greater than the rate of inflation. 因此, the local unit’s millage rate gets “rolled back” so that the resulting growth in property tax revenue, 社区的, 不比通货膨胀率高吗.

    A “Headlee override” is a vote by the electors to return the millage to the amount originally authorized via charter, 国家法规, 或者由人民投票, and is necessary to counteract the effects of the “Headlee Rollback.”

  • 投票提案的费用是多少?

    1 mill = $1 for everyone $1,000 of a home or property’s taxable valuation. 一栋价值100美元的房子,000, 应税价值约为50美元,000, 修复这个村庄将花费大约9美元.87.

  • 谁可以对这项投票提案投票?

    Any Jackson County resident aged 18 and over on Election Day who is registered to vote. Voters in 密歇根 can now register to vote up through and on Election Day.

  • 我可以在哪里登记投票?

    You can register to vote at any Secretary of State office or at the Clerk’s office where you reside. 你也可以 下载选民登记申请书.

  • 我是否需要更新我的选民登记?

    You will need to update your registration if you have changed your name or address since the last time you voted. You can do this at any Secretary of State office or at the clerk’s where you reside.

  • 我在哪里投票?

    You will vote at your regular precinct in the community where you reside. 如果您不确定您的选区,请访问www.密歇根.gov /投票.

  • 我可以缺席投票吗?

    由于州内以18比3的投票通过了这项提案, all eligible and registered voters in 密歇根 may now request an absent voter ballot without providing a reason. 你可透过www下载选票申请表格.密歇根.gov /投票.